Tuesday, April 26, 2011

30 Day Song Challenge: Day six - A song that reminds you of Somewhere...

There are few things as beautiful in sight and as stirring in its silence as a brisk, late winter Oregon; what with its promise of the coming spring and the taste of the holidays still fresh in the tongue. And no song can take me home to that little bridge over the frozen front yard creek like this one can:

"Snow" by Loreena McKennitt is that one song that always takes me back to the crunching sound of snow under my feet and the sharp nip of frost at the tip of my nose. In my mind, I'm eleven, again, standing by the big oak in the front yard that dangles a home made swing over the tiny creek that, though ice covered, still flows through our yard. And I am standing on the little bridge that spans it, dreaming of the day I can take to that swing, again.

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