Monday, February 17, 2014

40 quips in 40 days: day 30

Gah! Only a month until I'm officially an old man... well, by some standards, anyway. I guess it's all on how you look at it. Which brings us to today's Chuckism...

Chucksim #30
When things get so large a step of distance helps to get a touch of perspective.

I think we've all experienced the insurmountable to-do list, assignment, or chore that can seem quite overwhelming. And I know that just about everyone has, at some point, felt dwarfed by the sheer volume of suck that life can bring down upon them. These things can seem daunting, to say the least. And, more to the point, can be down right smothering; threatening to swallow us whole.

But then there is the point that life is all about scale. And, sometimes, we can lose track of that scale when we find ourselves buried in... well... life.

Nearly twenty years ago I had set forth a simple, yet concise set of things I had expected for myself by the time I hit forty. And despite the best of intentions, at this point, I have been bombarded by so many unexpected twists and turns that I am, for the most part, really not anywhere I thought I'd be by now. It has, for a while, left me feeling distraught at the notion that I am close to failing life.

But then I can take a step back and look again; with more of my life in view. And then the picture starts to come better into focus. I have had a wealth of experiences never planned on, or even expected. I've been on stage, TV, and radio. (At one point all in a month.) I have traveled across the United States for work and pleasure. I have put my hands to tasks that have left me skilled in a myriad of fashions. I have met and been with people from many walks of life, professions, cultures, and distant places. And all my experiences have made my art and craft stronger; insuring against the failure that was more inevitable had I begun my journey much sooner.

In the larger scale of things, though I may not be on my path to world domination through comics and cartoons - yet, I have had a very adventurous life, so far. That start has set me up for the next leg of the journey. And, from here, though I can see that the next part of this journey has some ups and downs, the over all road isn't as overwhelming.

The slopes of life can be easier to conquer once we put size and scale to them; revealing more of our successes and helping to see past the mount and to the horizon beyond. All it sometimes take is backing up some to get a better view.

Funny, that...

*Image credit: Monica Dalmasso/ G. Broust

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