Saturday, February 8, 2014

40 quips in 40 days: day 39

Now that we've got these rolling, let's just refer to them as the "Chuckisms" that they are...

Chuckism #39
No matter how goodly your intentions, some folk just won't take to your feet in their kingdom.

This is one that just recently got itself reaffirmed about a week ago when I sat down to do some temp work at a children's charity and the Facilities manager there, in one simple look, pretty much decided he didn't like me, and I was no good for his establishment; regardless of how much I tried to show him my qualifications and dedication to his establishment.

And, really, there's not much you can say or do about it. You see, whether it's because they have had a bad day, suffered trauma, or are just not what we'd call agreeable, there are people in this world - at pretty much all levels - that are just going to not like you, no matter what. Maybe they've just dealt with bad news, or have an "issue", or maybe they were abused by an EC comic when they were young. (Okay, I know; pretty Chuck specific with that one.)

The point is, that no matter what the reason, they have a reason, and there ain't no course wide enough going to take you about those rough seas. It's one of the unfortunate truths in life. The trick is to know when it's happened, and try not to heap any blame or anger onto yourself for it.

Sometimes these folk stand in your path like a mighty wall. And maybe, once in a while, they will successfully block your path. But like all walls, it's just a matter of finding a way around. Or through, if your hammer is mighty enough.

Image credit: King Conan by Kamyu

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