Friday, February 21, 2014

40 Qupis in 40 Days: Day 26

Yesterday we got to talking on how it's not what you say, but how you say it. Well, today we're going to continue along those lines a little more...

Chuckism #26
The louder they shout the less they want you to hear.

I've already mentioned the twenty four hour news cycle, before. But one of the more interesting things I've come across, in today's bombarding media frenzy, and, indeed, for quite some time now, is that not only will folks badger you with all kinds of wrong headedness, but they will do so with an almost commendable dogmatic dedication to doing so. Probably as much to get themselves to the believing as to anyone else. And when they don't think it's getting through, they turn up the volume.

Photo credit: Finland's Shouting Mens Choir
Of course, I'm not just talking about going from an agitated voice to a shout, and so on as much as I mean that they will not only lay upon any unsuspected ear with a feverish volume, but also with a level of quantity as to suffocate any mere thought to the contrary.

This goes about accomplishing just that. The idea here is a sound one, if you'll pardon the pun. By laying on with volume - both in sound and sound bite, the message can be overshadowed in the hype and drama that the delivery methods can stir up. Questions get lost. Logic and reason are tussled about in a cacophony of accusation and accreditation. Confusion gives rise to misconnection and hazy consluioning.

Used to be we saw this mostly between children. Yelling over each other, at such a tender, is the natural conclusion to make; the loudest is, obviously, the rightest. And if it was still just a thing to outgrow like childhood folly then there'd be no more of that.

However this has graduated from playground antics and into the realm of information dispersemen. Any chance happening onto, say, Fox News (A title used loosely.) will show you what I mean; as anchors and pundits are often to talk over, cut short, or be just plain rude to guests and experts of contrary findings. Even is so much as the governing houses of our nation we find this has become some sort of new acceptable. Today the only thing that seems to separate disagreeable children from ruling adults are the clothes and the allowances. it's kind of a sad state, these days.

My advice? I've found those that feel the need to shove things down my proverbial throat usually are doing so out of questionable motives. Often by putting to a sit and having a good listen it becomes easier to get some clarity on what it is that folks get to pontificating on. And, I have found, good facts rarely need to yell. 

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