Monday, February 10, 2014

40 quips in 40 days: day 37

Have I ever told you about surviving cancer? It's a side splitter; never fails to get a laugh...

Chuckism #37
Some of the best tales come from some of the worst woe.

I guess it's really no secret. Most of the comedies we see on TV and in movies usually center around how one person haphazardly tiptoes - or sometimes plods - through personal peril; romantic, emotional, or outrageous. Too true, as well, some of the most epic stories that thrill us usually involve some form of adversity; where all is close to lost.

From the tomes of mythology to the inspirational struggles of those set to bringing justice and equality to this world, there are few things that can move and inspire us then those whose story is one of come back or victory over the impossible, the vexing, and the sometimes all too fatal. or, sometimes even the down right wrong, bizarre, or plain dumb.

And it's not like you need to champion the cause of the weak, here. I mean, how many of us have sentimental memories of that first place having left home? remember that time at that party where you met that girl, but were so drunk that...?What about that time when you and your girlfriends were out for the night and got lost, went to the wrong place, and ended up in another party... at the other end of the state? Or that time you got drunk at Mardi Gras and totally kissed that gay guy because he loved your kilt and it made him faint?

What...? Ask me about it sometime.

Life is that thing that happens while we're busy making plans for life. And even the best stories have their ups and downs; much like a roller coaster. And, let's face it; a coaster that just goes up all the time isn't all that fun.

So, embrace your times; good and bad. Understand that these things are just moments in time; move over and let them pass. But live to tell the tale, and you'll always have something to talk about. Much like I realized, as a seventeen year old boy with needles in my arms and a pipe up my rear; laughing because one day I knew it was going to make a Hell of a story.

What...? Ask me about it sometime.

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