Thursday, June 23, 2011

30 Day Song Challenge: Day 30 - The big finale - Your favorite song this time, last year.

Last year I was moved by a song that has eluded my ability to nail down the heart of its meaning. Is it a love song of forlorn? Maybe a song about struggle in the attempt to change one's life; using some arcane lyrical and musical symbology? Or, was there some other meaning I was missing in its layered depths of beats and odd instruments?

That's right, it's Peter Gabriel's "Don't Break This Rhythm", again.

What? I told you when we begun this thing that this was the ultimate song in the entirety of all my musical musings. At its very core is the mystery of its meaning as the tribal beats, and odd sounds whirl about. This song, and this song alone, has continued to perplex, inspire, and entertain me like no other track before, or since. And so, it continues to be my favorite song; now, yesterday, one year ago, and so on, since the day I first heard it.

So, I've ended where I began. But, this is far from the end. If you've read back through The Conductor's Office you"ll see I used to post music reviews, all the time; entitled "Listen to This!" Well, I'm going to get back to doing that. With any luck, it'll become a regular, weekly feature. So, keep your eyes, and your ears, peeled.

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