Wednesday, June 8, 2011

30 Day Song Challenge: Day twenty two - a song you listen to when you're sad.

Let's face it, eventually it happens to us all; something gets us down, makes us sad.

There's just no getting around it; every high comes with a low, somewhere. You really can't have one without the other. So, what do you do about it? Well, if you're like me, and the pitfalls of life have got you down, made you sad, you simply perk up with a catchy tune...

Yeah... um, there's no embedding for this video. Sorry; not my fault.

Born in Austin, Texas, and spanning the folk rock genres and into comedy, The Asylum Street Spankers take a big heaping handful of music and mash it into time bending mix of modern awareness and American country roots. And, yes, they're named for a street that did, in fact, lead to an asylum.

Though the band has gone their separate ways, their music endures in filking circles, revival shows, and in the hearts of those random, odd musical lovers... much like myself.  

"Cakewalk" is available on their album Hot Lunch. (Pictured above.)

Spanks for the memories, folks! And for helping me keep my chin up when the chips were down!

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