Sunday, May 1, 2011

30 Day Song Challenge: Day eight - a song you know all the words to

With a video that's somewhere between Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! and The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly comes the gateway song to another one of my most favorite bands, and the answer to the Day 8 challenge; songs I know all the words to:

The Killers were formed in 2001 in, of all places, Las Vegas, Nevada. But it was leaving the states to join a British label that got the notoriety. They've enjoyed the up and down roller coaster of stardom ever since. Though the album Hot Fuss contains two of the songs this band is best known for - "Mr. Brightside" and "Somebody Told Me", the real gem is "All These Things that I have Done"; the strongest artisit piece it offers, in my opinion.

Currently the band is on hiatus, though they've announced that work has begun on a new album that should see release in late 2011,or early 2012.

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