Monday, May 9, 2011

30 Day Song Challenge: Day fifteen - a song that describes you.

We're about to cross the threshold of halfway through the 30 Day Song Challenge, and now, finally, we're getting to the meat of the matter; me, the listener.

But how does one describe themself in a song? Surely it takes more than one tune, yes? I mean, aren't we all a bit more complex than a single song can capture? Well, in my case, maybe not so much:

Chumbawamba are an anarcho-punk group hailing from the UK formed in 1982. With a name deriving from gibberish (No, really. Their name literally means nothing at all.) they took on the mantle of the punk power to the people, with political stunts that have included dumping water on a British official during a show that sided against striking dock workers. Having actually been to a Chumbawamba show, I can tell you they have a crazy stage presence that is full of life and vigor.

As for the song? Well, I think the lyrics speak for themself; especially when you map them against the turbulent, yet never boring, life I've lead. And, while many songs may reflect the various facets of my mind and personality, this one covers the most basic aspect of who I am; drink, song, and the enduring struggle of perseverance...

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