Thursday, May 5, 2011

30 Day Song Challenge: Day Twelve - a song from a band you hate...


Hate can be such an ugly word. I like to think it a word saved for the most dire of circumstances. After all, do I really hate asparagus?

Well, yes, I do. But, generally speaking, when it comes to music, I like to say; "Nope, not really my thing," instead of that I hate it. One man's folly is, after all, another man's anthem.

So, how do I classify a band I hate? Well, if they, are, say, a pack of total douches:

Metallica started as an underground metal band. They were edgy, relevant, and real. They spoke to the fans, the people, and did so directly; utilizing garage style bootlegging to get their music. They were raw and were the voice of a generation.

I'd rather bang heads with these fellas
than have my head bashed in
by these fellas. Am I right?
And then they hit it big. You've heard the adage about power and corruption, right?

Spearheaded by Lars, the drummer, Metallica become the poster children for the RIAA, the musical boogie man; attaching themselves, personally, in lawsuit after lawsuit in file sharing pirating legal actions. In many occasions, directly against their very own fans. And they did so, aggressively; without mercy. A whole generation of music lovers watched as the powerhouse cut their hair, softened up, and got... well... greedy.

In a word? Sellout.

Give me fuel, give me fire! An Armani suit that I desire!
Are they good? Not as much as they used to be. Do I enjoy the occasional Metallica song? Every great once and a while. Do I like this band? No. Do I hate this band? Only for what they've come to stand for.

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