Saturday, May 28, 2011

30 Day Song Challenge: Day twenty - a song you listen to when you're angry.

Anger. We all get it at some point. There are so many things that can make us angry. Know what makes me very angry? When, it seems, no matter how hard I work at something, there's always a new obstacle in my way; some trip up that comes along, from outside my plans, and snarls my feet on my path.

You can't always avoid these, of course. But, when my frustration has reached to anger, and my teeth nashing has led to a loss of heart, there's always one song I can turn to:

Though quietly leading a very productive musical life, Stan Bush is best known for the single anthem of our childhoods; when a mouthy robot car took hold of his future and saved the galaxy. Actually, he's been responcible for quite a few themes through the eighties, as well as one song for Sailoor Moon... but we still love him, anyway.

Recently, Stan had remixed both The Touch, as well as Dare, and submitted them for the new Transformer movies. While neither did make the cut, they are both available in various places, including a download for the video game Rock Band.

Dream the Dream, his latest release, is out now, and avaialble through all the regular resources.

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