Monday, May 23, 2011

30 Day Song Challenge: Day eighteen - a song you wished you'd hear on the radio...

Okay, as challenges go, this one isn't as strong; mainly because the Station House Radio archives are full of music that should be on regular radio. Well, at least I think so. Of course, even with so many choices, it wasn't really hard to nail it down to this one:

Hailing from the home of the greatest NFL football team, ever, Peter Mulvey is what I like to think of as one of the true to heart American singer/songwriters. With his voice and a six string he can do more with his home spun lyrics that most of the mainstream acts couldn't with a mixing board, backing band, and a producer.

 I, personally, discovered Peter quite by accident, when I came across his CD, Letters from a Flying Machine, in the Rasputin's clearance bin. It spun for several days in The Dangermouse, including an impromptu Christmas road trip in 2009. I have since begun collecting the rest of his catalog, including this ditty from his 2006 release, The Knuckleball Suite.

My big hope is that someone will see this, check him out, get him on the radio, and he'll finally come out here - perhaps on one of his famous bicycle tours - and I can see him play an actual live show.

I can dream, can't I?

At any rate, Peter Mulvey is definitely an act that needs to be on the radio. Still don't beleive me? Here, have a listen to Smell the Future and, one of my personal favorites, Charlie.

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