Monday, November 8, 2004

Too much Moonshine makes me Start Over...

Wow, sorry about the huge lack of postings; my new job in residential construction has me running on ten hour days. Anyway, on to the funnies, shall we?

Sure, Halloween’s been over for a while, but some of us are still paying for it.

Max the Cat learns about the dangers of drinking Moonshine after shows at Christian colleges.

We’ve seen Legos be many things, but this is… well, many words come to mind, I suppose. Legos go to church.

Is this cosplay or just a big fat loser? Ah, those wacky Japanese.

Ever wanted to take a motorcycle out for a spin… down a 150-foot drop?

Ah, the 80’s. Some people just can’t let go.

Where’s the love in a robo spanker? I tell you, romance is dead. (Not safe for work product demo.)

Eggplant Jones should just Start Over.

What happens on Halloween stays in Halloween… unless it’s Spiderman and a giant panda.

I’m goin’ back to school!

Sisters of… Mercia?

Children of the Corn 4: The Popsmart Rebellion.

Head for that cave and keep firing as we retreat!

Sure, yeah; when Hell free… oh, well, never mind then.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre… as re-enacted by bunnies… BUN-ney!

Marvel at the progression of man. Wow, have we come far…

Just another hand of Three Card Stud.

Even with another quarter, they’re more than Mostly Harmless when they Start Over.

Just in case you ever need to spot the difference between a duck and a vampire duck.

First pics from new Star Wars movie. Perhaps there’s hope, after all?

Okay, this one’s geek on a couple of levels, but it’s shopped well.

I’ve… I’ve got nothin’.

Cosplay… with a crowbar?

What could be more terrifying then a frightened toad?

Sorry pussy; there’s nowhere safe to hide.

This should be a mandatory sign EVERYWHERE.

Hey, he got my vote.

It’s a Southern Statistic that in the Moonshine you’d be a victim of their nightmare.

Sing it little bunny; I know your
. BUN-ney!

Friday, October 22, 2004

D&D turns 30! And some other funny stuff, too.

Happy 30th D&D… Geek!

Llama llama duck…

Rabbi getting’ his mad ninja skills on… Kung-Ju?

Dracula is coming… and I hope he gets here soon, ‘cause this flash sucks.

Spider web lingerie? Mmmmm…

You mean it’s this easy?

I guess we’ll soon find out if kids will eat anything with sugar in it.

There is a Cosplayer not right.

Just in case you really needed to count all the parts.

She’s fed up about something, but as long as I can watch the video, that’s just fine with me.

Happy 30th D&D… even if I don’t play you anymore… honest, I don’t.

Again, we, here at IronChuck Presents, try with all our might to stay apolitical. But this is just too funny... and geeky… to let go.

Something’s fishy about these flash drives.

Happy 30th, D&D… thanks for all the great parodies you’ve spawned.

Sushi? Mmmm…

NO! Gods, no!

Sorry kid, we’re not impressed. And go put your mom’s cooking knives away before you cut yourself. Yeash.

Happy 30th D&D… Still Geek, but kinda cool.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Just pretend this is a funny title...

Oddly enough, no cosplay this week...

How to kick ass with a walking stick.

Even if I had somethin’, it wouldn’t need it.

Wonderful Spam, lovely Spam

Popular science gives you a list of the worst jobs in science. Geek.

Dragon Slaying, today in LARPing 101. Geek.

Baa baa, Imperial black sheep.

Normally, we here at IronChuck Presents avoid just about anything political. Normally. This, though, is just a bit too funny to pass up.

And now, a word from the Scrotal Safety Commission.

I have to say this for John Sedwick; he’s consistent.


Dude, a ninja pays half my rent.

Ninja versus Pirate… I demand a rematch!

Game Time! Best. Pong. Game. Ever.

We’ve covered this last edition, but now lets get the staticical break down, shall we?

When Flash gets Unreal.

Here are four reasons why it’s just wrong. Not enough? Here’s one more, but it’s not safe for work.

I… I got nothin’.

I’m Beautiful, Damnit. Gaaaaaaaaaaaay.

I must Destroy the Evil Bear. No idea what’s going on, but wow, does it look good!

Um… There are clever costumes, and then there are clever costumes. This one might get you into trouble this Halloween, though.

Squirrel Power!

Scotsman rocks world of physics, trumps Einstein. If it’s not Scottish, it’s geek!

Product placement now an integrated part of a TV show? I’m just waiting for the Blipverts.

An oldie but goodie; Riddle Me This with “I’m a Cow”.

And finally, in our quest here at IronChuck Presents to educate you on the world of web comics, we give you our Queen of Wands. (Some content not so safe for work.)

Bonus points to you if you actually know what a Blipvert was.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Hot jpeg action!

Sage advice… unless you’re not a kitten lover.

Okay, guys? Please stop, now… freaks!

Working hard to make the cut for the Fat Albert movie?

Odd, yet still not really painful on the eyes… Valkyrie pin-up.

So… does this mean Hell is just a big mosh pit?

I thought I had a joke about hatchbacks and Scotland… but I was wrong; I got nothin’.

Oh, so that’s where it is.

Okay, so some of my female readers have made mention I haven’t considered their needs in these jpeg editions. So, here ya go".

For the rest of us? Mmmmmm

Sure, you’re having a good time, but remember this before you have “just one more”.

What can I say, I like boats.

The aftermath of the all night Everquest gaming session.

This one’s really truly funny if you know each of the strange Japanese fetishes being explored here. I’ll just say it; “Oh, those wacky Japanese.”

This, on the other hand, I have nothin’ to say about.

Sometimes cosplay can actually be very creative. Most times, though, it burns the eyes.

For the Sean Connery fans out there, I give you Zardoz… No, it’s not shopped at all.

Proof that it’s all in the name.

Happy Stormtrooper. Not quite safe for work due to caption.

I… I got a whole lot of nothin’.

Run from the awesome might of dogzilla! Your puppy wants Mothra.

Okay, this just boggles the mind.

Even in the kitchen, I am not impressed.

Just somewhere I wish I were.

A mooo-ving tattoo in a well placed spot.

Oh my gods! They were right… the poor kitty.

Wednesday, October 6, 2004

Zannies for midweek...

A moment of silence, please, as comedy losses another great one.

Sweet Jebus! What the heck is this?

The poor nerds will all asplode over this auction of geekdom goodness on… you guessed it… ebay.

Talk about geekdom… get your Zork here.

Yes, yes; closer… watch these craptacular Star Wars bloopers.

Ah, an internet oldie, but goodie; smacking geekdom in the face.

Game Time! Take a running leap and land in the convertible. Harder then it sounds.

Little did they know, on that fateful city walk, the comedy goldmine they were about to stumble into.

Sad. Wrong. Probably uncomfortably close to reality. And, damn funny.

It’s an invite to Britney’s up for auction on… you guessed it… eBay. (Does anyone care?)


Nice day to fly a kite, huh?

I… I got nothin’.

Ah, the marvelous bread fish!

Read it… just read the article. (I’m too dumbfounded to make a tagline.)

All I can say to that last article is; hot dog?

Oh, I so want one of these!

My eyes! My eyes! Oh gods, it’s cosplay and it burns!

It’s a tiny robot that crawls around in my guts? Wait, I think I’ve seen this movie…

Ironic? Yes. Inflaming the spirit to crazy cold cock the bitch? Oh, definitely.

Something to get us in the mood?

And something for our goth fans… but heed the warnings! What you idiots do on your own is your damn fault.

Nope, not impressed… not even by the chubby one.

Tuesday, October 5, 2004

Running small on time...

Sorry for the small post and the huge gap between them... life's been treating me like a red headed step child. But, less is more, so I'm gonna start running smaller posts more times a week.

I guess I really hate myself...

Sex advice from… cosplayers?!

Ten things I learned at the Strip Club.

G’Ould writes hate messages on his website, asks court to let him use internet to dial Stargate; has authority recognized by all High Counsels of this Galaxy.” System Lords unavailable for comment.

If you think the onions rings are dangerous, you’ve obviously never eaten at White Castle.

Without the pie there is only chaos!

Mel Brooks to make Space Balls the sequel… No, Mel, no!

There’s no toying around with the Book on Mormon.

Duck… because it just looks cool.

Disney to make Bloom County cartoon. This is either really cool, or about to be the biggest animated disaster.

Fish farts and country music win Nobel prizes, still no cure for cancer.


Game Time! Just hove fast is your mouse clicker?

Oh gods, like it’s not tough enough already!

Three g-spots on a woman is bad enough, but now we discover locusts have one, too? Ewww….

It’s the Popeye laptop.

Okay, I don’t know what it is supposed to be, but it’s fun for a few minutes.

Game Time! Fan the dog on the balloon to get through the maze of doom… Only here can you read a line like that.

Halloween fastly approaches and have we got a scary mask for you!

I just had another comic book orgasm.

Monday, September 27, 2004

Sorry I'm late...

Where sporks come from.

Makes me wonder if more guys would sign up if this was the GI Jane they’d meet. Of course, it’s just an anime statue that’s a little not safe for work.

We're out of catnip?!

My summer vacation at Burning Man.

Anyone else impressed? I didn’t think so.

Not even boots of escaping can save you from Reno 911… geek!

Yep… cosplay.

Frank Miller’s Sin City… when a comic truly comes to life on the silver screen, even if it’s not quite safe for work.

Fantastic Four movie take two.

What could be more eighties then The Last Starfighter? What could be more craptacular then the musical?

Furverts and their crazy case-mods.

You in the market for a haunted house style ride?

What the hell?!

So, yet another new version of the classic Star Wars has hit the market; this time for DVD. Shall we compare the 1997 re-release to this one?

But the question remains; who’d win in a fight between the Empire and the Federation. Geeks, still, the lot of you.

Penny Arcade speaks its mind about the newer new Star Wars release.

They must be doing something right, though. Release day cleans up the house.

Thoughts of Star Wars from those who made it. Primary advice: geeks lighten up!

Excuse me for a moment… Mmmmm…

Something for you Pink Floyd fans.

Cosplay over the top.

Someone, anyone, explain this to me. Oh, those wacky Japanese.


Yuri in da’ cab… we’re gonna party like it’s his green card.

Mission imcheeseible.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

More of those wacky Japanese.

It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again. But be careful at work.

I’m sure the bus is impressive, at least.

Is this a rant or an auction? Today’s confusion brought to you by… you guessed it… eBay.

Appearing one night, and one night only.

I wept.

Hungry? How about a 8500-calorie sandwich? Eat that, Jared.

Just a nice piece of fantasy art. (Man, I am such a hack.)

Fun facts about the number of the beast.

Pool, anyone? Mmmm.

Nintendo discovers less is more… makes geekdom more affordable.

Whip this out at your next Magic game.

Thousands of beer bottles up for auction on… you guessed it… eBay.

50 kinds of not impressed.

Baby, sing your song for me.

Jiggly Puff, he ain’t. Cosplay it is.

Pickles. Here comes the science.

It’s cosplay, that’s all I got to say.

If you’ve read anything of quantum mechanics, or advanced physics for that matter, you know that a lot of it is pure made up bull. Proof, you say? String theory… here’s your proof.

“Shire? Dude, you’re like really lost, aren’t you?”

They’re all smiling on the Conference Bike.

Finally! What the worlds been waiting for… the all male tribute band to the material girl!

I’m nowhere near any place that even looks like being impressed.

Kids, remember that swords belong in the hands of professionals; not drunken trailer park trash.

Game Time! Galactica, a Space Invaders spoof.

Mouse after cheese take two.

Ever seen something so cute you just wanted to puke?

Thursday, September 16, 2004

All Jpeg action!

Launch Gundam Kitty!

Pardon me for a moment… Mmmmmm…

Brrrrr! Give new meaning to “blow it out your ass.” I never thought I’d seenot safe for work snow.

Verily, thoust be not impressed.

Bow before death metal panda!

Nice… bow.

Now THAT’S a tattoo.

Pardon me, again… Mmmmmm…

While part of me wants to bust one of these open on a trail, the rest of me is sure I hear Darwin calling, somewhere.

And in the case of a water landing, she can also be used as a floatation device.

This is my idea of Happy Hour specials.

Remember kids; only you canprevent cosplay… only you.

This has got to be the beginning to a bar joke… LARPing Geeks…

I… I got nothin’.

Worried that his word was missing the Silicon Valley main stream, Jesus took to the streets with a new message.

You just never know who is really on in chat rooms these days.

Oops… pardon me, yet again… Mmmmmmm…

Safe to say this computer runs cool.

“So THAT’S what I was sitting on."

MONKEY! (Because it’s been a while since I said it.)

Has Time gone Goatse? Why not? Looks like Halloween did.


Once again, I beg your pardon… AGH! For the love of god, no!

Just because I don’t want to lose the geek fans.

Because, in some neighborhoods, security is a real issue.

New breed: upstaging cows.

Years later, Jimmy would finally come to understand those jokes about his dad and chickens.

Apple takes iPod music to the next level of merchandising.

Recovering from surgery, Clinton hangs with old chums.

Pardon me, miss, but I’ve never done this in a real small car. Contains blueprints that may not be safe for work.

Dating on Craig’s List.

The admission ceremony was lovely, but Buffy and Tiffany were puzzled over the odd taste in their grape Kool-aide.

Nope, still not impressed.

I got nothin’ and I don’t want any, either! Especially if it may not be safe for work.

Why will this work for him and not me?

And you thought rabbits were tricky?

Could you please excuse me one last time? Mmmmmm…

How the hell?

Sure he can explain, but do I really want to know?

Sunday, September 12, 2004

What? No gravy?!

Girls tend to agree; Jack is just too sexy

You think you’re eighties? Prove it!

Because those movies could use all the help they can get.

Melon art

Sure his collect call commercials are annoying, but
look at this before you think of kicking his ass.

Game Time! Get the crabs home… tougher than it looks.

Oh gods, it’s sexy geekdom… I’m so confused! Careful at work… Geek!

Beware the wrath of the Nerf Jedi!

Damn George and his “special editions”.

One geek says goodbye to Ever Quest. Get over it you melodramatic geek… and next time include the song credits.

There’s something wrong with this picture, but what is it? Oh yeah, it’s the cute chic playing Magic, that’s what!

It’s LARPing, but it’s beer on a hot babe. Again, I am so confused.

I… I got a whole lot of nothin’.

Geek bling bling… or, a new way to hit Alt+Crtl+Del.

Senior pictures… yes, you were that much a dork.

It’s a gaggle of LARPers, isn’t that funny enough without a tag line?

Voices in my Hand… this week's featured comic.

Game Time! How about a quick round of 9?

More Game Time! Make the Pressure Shot!

Random anime cowboy cuteness.

It's a Mad World.

Just you wait until 5:01 am!

At first we thought the yowling was from being in heat. We soon learned of Whiskers secret ambitions.


Um... whoa.

Oh, I do… believe me I do.

Game Time! Don’t think, just MOVE IT!

Get your authentic unicorn skull only on… you guessed it…eBay.

Halloween draws closer, and so does The Great Pumpkin!

Deliver to them paint ball death from… you guessed it… eBay.

As we draw closer to the days of the Rocketeer.

If you look closely you’ll see why she’s not safe for work.

Seedy Sanchez sings you a song. Don’t like; make your own.

Brings to light the fact that, yes, some women are much like some computers.

Game Time! Beat the computer at 20 questions.

Say it… say it…. Sega! Well, now it’s Nintendo, but either way it’s Sonic Spinball. Safe to say it’s Game Time!

Holy Shit!!! F-ing Furries and their not safe for work madness!

The Passion of the Shrimp… don’t write me about it, I already know I’m going to hell.

Finally, I bet you’re asking yourself; “But IronChuck, I want those cool geek rings back there!” Well, fear not and order till your geek heart’s content!

Monday, September 6, 2004

Can't take our love away with a Chainsaw or Gin and Ginseng

Gin or ginseng? Tough choice for Jim of Seattle:

Planes of fantasy:

Next time you’re at the terminal… TAKE THE BATTERIES OUT:

Of all the things to see on a flight THIS is not one of them:

Agh! I think I broke my brain:

Chainmail just wants a Don Miguel taco, Por Favor:

Cats love fishies, but they’re not as careful at work as you are about it:

Game Time! If the Crimson Room didn’t get ya, the Blue Chamber will:

Screw Captain Planet, The Frontalittle Squad is gonna save the rainforest from the Chainsaw:

For us long time web surfers here’s an old gag with a new twist:

Wichita has made their stand; NO MORE GOTH:,1925,KSHB_9424_3150714,00.html

It’s okay; those poor lost goth kids still have their Lovecraft:

And poor little goth kids can still play with… My Little Pony:

Justice League… giddy up:

You know, those blank comicbook eyes are kinda creepy in real life:

Batman fiends for cake. Okay, didn’t see this one coming:

Eric the Red knows pillaging no fun without his boxer briefs:

Smarter than the average bear:

Yep, he got it:

Travel the Buffalo Speedway with a little gin or ginseng:

Game Time! Spread the joy:

Just Chill Out:

Well, I’m so glad we cleared that up:

Ah, drunken love with a blow up doll in a mall arcade:

Here’s a game of chess I can get into:

The Toa of drunkenness and sobriety… finally, a smart thing I can get into:

A pint of kitty, please:

Level Nivelo gives us a lesson in Spanish; bit remember it’s not quite safe for work, Por Favor:

Just in case you need to know:

Fat kid versus DDR… was looking real good there for a minute:

Comedy Central presents the first animated reality show. I am so gonna watch, but not at work:

Given the state of the elections here in America, he sure’d get my vote:

Michael Gum is sure they Can’t Take Our Love Away:

Get your penis shaped chicken nugget on… you guessed it… eBay:

Hot date on a lonely Scottish night:

Josh Woodward reminisces of romance over a Chainsaw:

All I can say about baby seals and their anal seepage is that it’s not safe for work:

Nope, still not impressed:

For you lazy shits out there, a self-counting sheep:

Back off, The Hip Cola’s with Steve Now:

Please god, let them remember the litter box this time:

Game Time! It’s sort of like Gauntlet… only sci-fi:

Um… Nope, I got nothing:

Somewhere Jim Henson is smiling:

This week on “Space Attack”:

Just think; they actually found this many geeks in one place at the same time:

When geek-dom collides; Star Wars wedding at Fairland theme park:

“Oh Danny Bot, the robot war is coming…”:

The LARPing black knight always triumphs… geek:

Jaws in 30 seconds… as re-enacted by bunnies… Bun-NEY:

With every Forty Second Songs I need a little gin or ginseng:

I… I got nothin’ here, too:

Get your 20 movie prop peepers at… you guessed it… eye-bay… Um, eBay:

On second thought, I’ll have a salad:

What to say if you find yourself getting in on with a Victorian:

Random Anime cuteness, be careful at work, though:

Bang your head to the drumbeat:

Halloween is only a month away, time to think of ghosts and things that go bump in the night:

Obscurity gives us an ode to my favorite hero, Ash, and his Chainsaw:

Lost 14th century shipwreck resurfaces… Yeah, I know, it’s not funny, but it’s cool for us history nuts:

Cell phone saves man from drub dealer’s crossbow bolt… Uh, crossbows bolt?,4057,10684620^1702,00.html

And finally, a Public Service message from Sad Big Eden; remember to always wear your Jimmy Hat:

Thursday, September 2, 2004

We're Back!

Only 125 calories?! Brilliant:

Delicious Nick is The Gutter:

A retired carpenter solves the great mysteries of Stonehenge at the Pyramids… here comes the science of levers:

At what point do you realize you can no longer wipe your own ass:

Hollywood rods of yester year… It’s like a collection of giant Hot Wheels:

Not to be confused with a monocycle it’s the motorwheel. Sure, I’d give one a test drive for a laugh:

This is either a good reason to clean you car… or not to:

Ah, the art of the crapper… well, toilet seat art, anyway:

Poor wolf forgot his Holy Hand Grenade of Anitoch:

The Sounds of History… snips of famous speeches from the 2oth century:

We here at IronChuck Presents would like to remind you that, not only is it a funny world, but it’s a beautiful world… for you:

Well, I wonder if they offer the same bulk discount as they do with food:

Geek tombstone:

Buy your own strip club on… you guessed it… eBay. Oh yeah, includes not safe for work pic:

There is no way you can tell me Burning Man is fun when there things like this roaming around free and unsafe for work:

Disney, killing parents? People, grow up; it’s just cartoons:

Robot Rumble! Check out the video, too. Oh those wacky Japanese:

Random gamer babe who is not only probably not a gamer, but is not exactly safe for work:

Behold, the birth of a very big bridge:

Whoa… who knew the Pope was so metal:

While few want to see the return of Ash more than I, we all agree on one thing: Hollywood is truly out of new ideas:


Actual quotes from managers… Save me from cubicle hell:

Game Time! Can you take the challenge of DUCK GUARDIAN:

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Down but not out...

Sorry for the lack of updates, but we here at IronChuck Presents have been experiencing extreme technical diffculties...

We should hopefully be back up in a week, or so... I hope

Sunday, August 15, 2004

[IronFluff] Funny, I don't feel tardy...

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Monday, August 9, 2004

[IronFluff] All this and a new comic, too!

Oh hell… I’m a red-necked goth:

Game Time! It’s like whack-a-mole… oh, it’s also a mother fucking cheater:

This cover left an Abnormal Aftertaste… I said:

For those of you into this, here’s an interestingly neat Iching:

A fat virus? Don’t we normally call that laziness? Here comes the responsibility excusing science:

You know how some jokes tend to write themselves:

It’s never too early to be thinking of Halloween:

Okay, I’m sure we covered this one last IronFluff™… NO:

Now I can barbecue naked! Well, sort of, anyway. Fun theme print aprons for sale that aren’t exactly safe for work:

And what’s an IronFluff™ without a little cosplay:

Welcome to the inner workings of my mind… tread carefully at work:

Of course this would be the bike I’d end up with:

Wedding nuttiness:

Evil E sings a Gershwin tune:

Just to clear up the confusion:

The scoop on poop… he comes the learning:

I don’t even know where to start with this:

And as they looked over the lit city, they knew that, with their evil plans afoot, all this would soon be theirs:

Here the words of Cthulu… Lou to his friends; but you’ve really got to know him (Some dialogue not safe for work.):

Great example of beautiful photography… too bad none of it’s safe for work:

Sometimes a practical joke isn’t so practical:

It’s the one bit of Star Wars George desperately wants to go away… but it never will:

Earth; a one of a kind planet? Maybe it was a weather balloon after all:

I, pool shark:

These guys sure look like they’re having a good time:

RIAA about to shoot itself in the foot, yet again, over new consumer based technology:

Megadeath follows Metallica’s lead by becoming ass hats to each other:

The chickens come at midnight:

Oh, those wacky Japanese; they win the car chogging contest… if you call it winning:

Game Time! Hit the loser… another mutha fuckin’ cheating bastard:

Euro-synthpop and Legos… two great tastes that taste great together:

And now it’s time for a tranquil break:

Game Time! Squirt her good:

And finally, as we like to bring new comics to you for your enjoyment, we here at IronFluff™ encourage you to “Count Your Sheep”:

Thursday, August 5, 2004

[IronFluff] All JPEG edition!

That's right, kids, back by popular demand... if a picture's worth a thousand words, then we're talking a whole lot of trash. It's jpegs, jpegs, and nothing but jpegs!

Just what do you think is going through his little kitten mind:

Bears in the woods? How about monkeys in the zoo:

Somewhere a young rivet headed goth boy is swooning:

Somewhere young goth girls are swooning:

Somewhere young fan-boys are swooning:

Just in case there were any questions:

Chief Justice Gollum:

Sorry guys, you’re not impressing anyone:

Pirate ride… tunnel of love… it’s all the same when you’re getting’ some; even at a family theme park. I’m sure the park is safe for work, but the pic might not be:

Hey, I appreciate honest law enforcement:

Okay, let’s explain it in a way that most of you will probably understand:

Okay, these limo conversions of anything on wheels needs to stop… NOW:

Okay… no:

Oh, gods no:

MY EYES! MY EYES! THE HORROR OF IT ALL! So not safe for work, reason, sanity, or the laws of nature:

No matter what you do to it, it’s still a short bus, guys:

Nope, still not impressing anyone:

Okay, this is a clear sign your family eats too much junk food:

This, however, is a sign of a whole other problem:

“Oh my god, Sponge Bob’s in your pants, Miffy.” “Yours, too, Biffy.”:

Nope, still not impressing anyone:

What’s an IronFluff™ without comics? The Punisher and Wolverine out for a night on the town:

Oldie but a goodie:

I know my office could sure use one:

Shhh… he’s incognito:

Don’t laugh… I think I know them:

Yes, it’s cosplay… of what I have no idea:

Okay, there’s loving your bike, and then there’s lovin’ your bike (IronChuck notes: This is a hotel room, and note the bottles in the background.):

Not only am I not impressed, but I think I will never walk into a hospital again:

I… I got nothing:

And I thought the ground squirrel problem was bad back home:

The comedy that is beer, the tragedy of an empty pint:

Okay, who left the bikes in the dryer on high… again:

I don’t care what it says on his shirt; NO:

DJ Popes a Lot:

Just more cosplay, folks:

Dude, back away form the cartoon wall painting and GO GET A GIRL:

And finally, because it’s just cool lookin’:

Tuesday, August 3, 2004

[IronFluff] The fresh maker...

“Am I Hot or Not”? Nah… “Rate My Gas Mask” Nah… Ah, here we go; “Rate-a-Parent”. Yes:

Office romance? Not my type:

If I become a movie star, when I turn 40, I can indulge my mid-life crisis by marrying a hot 19-year-old Asian waitress, too… Way to go Nick; third time’s the charm:

Avast, the software pirate of Doom:

I used to wonder whether they made up stories of kids trying to act out what they saw on cartoons. I used to:

And if you put a penny in it and then pull it back, it does neat tricks:

Okay, this beats the whole fruitcake joke to hell:

Here we go with the cosplay again… hey, at least this one’s cute:

Transportation Futuristics… a look back at the past looking ahead to the future of travel:

I’m not quite sure what’s going on here, but it’s cosplay, again:

Game Time! Climb the tower, that’s it… Sounds easy, huh:

Because no day is complete without a verbally abusive Jesus who isn’t safe for work:

Serious shoes for the serious issues:

Study shows most guys sing Elvis in the shower, women Robbie Williams. No one sings of a cure for cancer, though:

Do what it takes to get the last drop of Guinness:

Game Time! Proximity… mother f-in’ cheater, I tell ya:

Sure, it’s not fast, but man does it get good gas mileage:

It’s like a 12 step program for creativity… except it goes to 13:

It worked for Courtney Love, she’s a manga star, now! (Yep, this week’s comic news.):

I admit, I’ve never played Doom… and after reading this, I think I never will:

Okay, it’s not like they’re the first to put out a bad comic adaptation:

There 3,125,778,579 people in the world that need a serious beating upside there melons. This is one of them:

Zombies go extreme sports… What?! Dude… we’re like so dead, but we so rock:

It’s not my copy, no. I’m… uh… Just holding it for a friend, that’s all:

I think the reluctance of one so well explains the eagerness of the other:
(Fans of Penny Arcade are laughing, trust me.)

Somehow I doubt this is what Skynet had in mind. Careful, it’s not quite safe for work:,,5-2004352652,00.html

Oh, those wacky Japanese, again… minor manga naughtiness, so be careful at work:

And just so we’re clear about how wacky those Japanese go, take a look at their vending machines:

Because I just think it’s funny, that’s why (Yes, a repost.):

I’m sorry, but you can't view my life if you’re under 18 without a parent or guardian:

The economics of selling and trading in, and around, RPG’s… Guys, turn off the computer, go outside, meet a girl:,3605,1274808,00.html

And now, Creep by Radiohead:

Remember when pin the tail on the donkey was an innocent game… and safe for work:

Legacy of the Jedi… a fan film that’s fresh and full of life:

Sunday, August 1, 2004

Doing the Dew, the Dew, and... the Dew?

So, I popped into me local Taco Bell, figuring I'd score myself a couple tacos and a rootbeer.

But what's this?

No Mug rootbeer but a new Mountain Dew flavor; Baja Blast. Right next to regular Dew and Mountain Dew: Code Red...

In case you've lost count, that's three Dews in a eight spout soda fountain. Dew has ousted Mug and now has top representation over Pepsi. HUH?!

Why the hell do we need three Dews, let a lone one? And why gods, why, did Mug have to get ousted for another piece of shit drink that will most likely be pulled and replaced by... Mug rootbeer?!

Eh.. perhaps is a good time to give up soda, anyway...

[IronFluff] This is no horrible nightmare...

This kid is so goth:

Just how easy is it to be goth? About this easy:

Ummm… yeah:

The box doodle project:

It’s just so not safe for work, but… I just can’t help but watch and laugh:

Body art that gives new meaning to “hung like an elephant”. Nope, not safe for work:

General Tso and his chicken… now you know:

I don’t have much to say about this little movie except to say please don’t try this at home. Lovers of goldfish need not watch:

I can hear it’s little kitten mind now; “Holy shit that’s a big stash of catnip!”:

The return of Dr. Who… animated, that is:

I have no tag for this, just a lot of snickering:

Strong Bad is at it again:

Bagpipes rock:

I know, I know… it’s still a couple months away, but I couldn’t help myself:

Game Time! It’s Area 41… Or, just a reason to shoot up robots with the heads of whiney stars:

The Hotel… um… it’ll mess with ya:

Know your summer tan lines:

Once again the fans have answered the call, proving that Hollywood is just useless… it’s World Finest:

Batman? No:

This comes to us from Kumi via Perian Sully; seems Batman’s getting yet another make-over… from Halley Barry:

Ten rules about bad science fiction; I’m taking notes for my comic:

Is this the beginning of the end for daily newspaper strips:

Moving right along, we dispel the rumors that animators have no sense of humor. Yes, we have one… it’s a bit sick and twisted sometimes, but we have one. Oh yeah, it’s sometimes not safe for work, either:

Can you say “over compensation”? I knew you could:

Is this the beginning of the end for cancer? Cloning finally does some good:

Tricycles go... hardcore?! Your tike is a playa:

Game Time! Last time Megaman ran Ghosts and Goblins. This time Fireman gets his own adventure in Firestorm:

Robots not your thing? Okay then, how about some soapbox racing:

What? Soapbox racing not your thing, either? Okay, then help the cute kittens jump the rushing river:

Bagpipes rock, but sometimes you can take a theme a little too far. Coming from me, that may be saying a lot:

And finally, a musical interlude… Ariya’s having a Horrible Dream:

Thursday, July 29, 2004

[IronFluff] Fun for a Blue Moon

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